Burke's Maple Farm is owned and operated by Dennis and Lisa Burke.
In 2001, Dennis, a farmer at heart, looked over the beautiful acreage we have and
entertained thoughts of working the land with crops and live stock. He
approached Lisa with the idea, who said "I don't think so. It's a lot of work for one
person." Dennis went back to the woods to pout and saw all the maple trees on the
property. Right then he knew he wanted to try making maple syrup. Again, he went
to Lisa with the idea. Since she grew up watching her grandfather make maple
syrup, she was open to that plan. They both knew it was a lot of hard work in a
short period of time but were excited about making this sweet product.
What started out as a hobby and sales through word of mouth has grown into a
small family business based on tradition. Our 150 acres of land graced with
God's own sweet trees is nestled just north of Carbondale (half an hour from Scranton), Pennsylvania near beautiful Crystal Lake and the Elk Mountain Ski Resort.
Our work is a family endeavor and we are grateful to many people for their help
and support. For making all this possible, we'd like to offer "Sweet Blessings" to:
First and foremost to Our Almighty God for blessing us with this beautiful land and guiding us along our maple journey.
Grandpa and Grandma Eimers, may they rest in peace, for encouraging us to journey into the sugarin' business and for the knowledge and wonderful memories they shared.
Lisa's dad, Dave. For being bored and working countless number of hours all year helping us prepare for the maple season, work the season and clean up after the season; for lending his knowledge of the sugarin' tradition; and for all the help splitting, stacking, and carrying firewood, which some came from his 'other job' Eimers Tree Service.
Lisa's mom, Mary Lou, for helping supply us with lunches, dinners, and snacks because we can't live on maple alone; and for helping with the kids. She continues to help today at craft shows and making those tasty Maple Puffs!
Dennis’ parents, Donna & Jim. For retiring, coming up to lend a hand then sticking around to learn the whole sugarin’ process, for help at craft fairs, and for continued support & encouragement. P.S. the Maple Puff recipe is from Donna.
Our GREAT neighbors & friends, Rich Wormuth, the Borders Family & Kurt Schield, who stepped in to help when we thought our sugarin’ days were over. They ran lines, tapped trees, collected sap, stoked the fire, and provided encouragement and support! They continue to help to this day!
Antoine's Timbering, Luke, Bobby, Benny, and Victor, for their expertise in timber management helping us keep our maple trees healthy; and for creating all that firewood.
Our creative friend, Nikki Keller, for knowledge and insight in marketing and web design. In the beginning, we wouldn't be "here" if it weren't for her.
All are worth their weight in golden syrup!